Source code for grl.datasets.qgpo

# This QGPOD4RLDataset is a modification implementation from

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import List

import gym
import numpy as np
import torch

from grl.utils.log import log

[docs] class QGPODataset( """ Overview: Dataset for QGPO algorithm. The training of QGPO algorithm is based on contrastive energy prediction, \ which needs true action and fake action. The true action is sampled from the dataset, and the fake action \ is sampled from the action support generated by the behaviour policy. Interface: ``__init__``, ``__getitem__``, ``__len__``. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Overview: Initialization method of QGPOD4RLDataset class """ pass
def __getitem__(self, index): """ Overview: Get data by index Arguments: index (:obj:`int`): Index of data Returns: data (:obj:`dict`): Data dict .. note:: The data dict contains the following keys: s (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): State a (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Action r (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Reward s_ (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Next state d (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Is finished fake_a (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Fake action for contrastive energy prediction and qgpo training \ (fake action is sampled from the action support generated by the behaviour policy) fake_a_ (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Fake next action for contrastive energy prediction and qgpo training \ (fake action is sampled from the action support generated by the behaviour policy) """ data = { "s": self.states[index % self.len], "a": self.actions[index % self.len], "r": self.rewards[index % self.len], "s_": self.next_states[index % self.len], "d": self.is_finished[index % self.len], "fake_a": ( self.fake_actions[index % self.len] if hasattr(self, "fake_actions") else 0.0 ), # self.fake_actions <D, 16, A> "fake_a_": ( self.fake_next_actions[index % self.len] if hasattr(self, "fake_next_actions") else 0.0 ), # self.fake_next_actions <D, 16, A> } return data def __len__(self): return self.len @abstractmethod def return_range(self, dataset, max_episode_steps): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class QGPOD4RLDataset(QGPODataset): """ Overview: Dataset for QGPO algorithm. The training of QGPO algorithm is based on contrastive energy prediction, \ which needs true action and fake action. The true action is sampled from the dataset, and the fake action \ is sampled from the action support generated by the behaviour policy. Interface: ``__init__``, ``__getitem__``, ``__len__``. """
[docs] def __init__( self, env_id: str, device: str = None, ): """ Overview: Initialization method of QGPOD4RLDataset class Arguments: env_id (:obj:`str`): The environment id device (:obj:`str`): The device to store the dataset """ super().__init__() import d4rl self.device = "cpu" if device is None else device data = d4rl.qlearning_dataset(gym.make(env_id)) self.states = torch.from_numpy(data["observations"]).float().to(device) self.actions = torch.from_numpy(data["actions"]).float().to(device) self.next_states = ( torch.from_numpy(data["next_observations"]).float().to(device) ) reward = torch.from_numpy(data["rewards"]).view(-1, 1).float().to(device) self.is_finished = ( torch.from_numpy(data["terminals"]).view(-1, 1).float().to(device) ) reward_tune = "iql_antmaze" if "antmaze" in env_id else "iql_locomotion" if reward_tune == "normalize": reward = (reward - reward.mean()) / reward.std() elif reward_tune == "iql_antmaze": reward = reward - 1.0 elif reward_tune == "iql_locomotion": min_ret, max_ret = QGPOD4RLDataset.return_range(data, 1000) reward /= max_ret - min_ret reward *= 1000 elif reward_tune == "cql_antmaze": reward = (reward - 0.5) * 4.0 elif reward_tune == "antmaze": reward = (reward - 0.25) * 2.0 self.rewards = reward self.len = self.states.shape[0]"{self.len} data loaded in QGPOD4RLDataset")
def return_range(dataset, max_episode_steps): returns, lengths = [], [] ep_ret, ep_len = 0.0, 0 for r, d in zip(dataset["rewards"], dataset["terminals"]): ep_ret += float(r) ep_len += 1 if d or ep_len == max_episode_steps: returns.append(ep_ret) lengths.append(ep_len) ep_ret, ep_len = 0.0, 0 # returns.append(ep_ret) # incomplete trajectory lengths.append(ep_len) # but still keep track of number of steps assert sum(lengths) == len(dataset["rewards"]) return min(returns), max(returns)
class QGPOOnlineDataset(QGPODataset): """ Overview: Dataset for QGPO algorithm. The training of QGPO algorithm is based on contrastive energy prediction, \ which needs true action and fake action. The true action is sampled from the dataset, and the fake action \ is sampled from the action support generated by the behaviour policy. Interface: ``__init__``, ``__getitem__``, ``__len__``. """ def __init__( self, fake_action_shape: int = None, data: List = None, device: str = None, ): """ Overview: Initialization method of QGPOD4RLDataset class Arguments: data (:obj:`List`): The data list device (:obj:`str`): The device to store the dataset """ super().__init__() self.device = "cpu" if device is None else device self.fake_action_shape = fake_action_shape if data is not None: self.states = torch.from_numpy(data["observations"]).float().to(device) self.actions = torch.from_numpy(data["actions"]).float().to(device) self.next_states = ( torch.from_numpy(data["next_observations"]).float().to(device) ) reward = torch.from_numpy(data["rewards"]).view(-1, 1).float().to(device) self.is_finished = ( torch.from_numpy(data["terminals"]).view(-1, 1).float().to(device) ) self.rewards = reward # self.fake_actions = torch.zeros_like(self.actions.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, fake_action_shape, -1)) # self.fake_next_actions = torch.zeros_like(self.actions.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, fake_action_shape, -1)) self.len = self.states.shape[0] else: self.states = torch.tensor([]).to(device) self.actions = torch.tensor([]).to(device) self.next_states = torch.tensor([]).to(device) self.is_finished = torch.tensor([]).to(device) self.rewards = torch.tensor([]).to(device) # self.fake_actions = torch.tensor([]).to(device) # self.fake_next_actions = torch.tensor([]).to(device) self.len = 0 log.debug(f"{self.len} data loaded in QGPOOnlineDataset") def drop_data(self, drop_ratio: float, random: bool = True): # drop the data from the dataset drop_num = int(self.len * drop_ratio) # randomly drop the data if random is True if random: drop_indices = torch.randperm(self.len)[:drop_num].to(self.device) else: drop_indices = torch.arange(drop_num).to(self.device) keep_mask = torch.ones(self.len, dtype=torch.bool).to(self.device) keep_mask[drop_indices] = False self.states = self.states[keep_mask] self.actions = self.actions[keep_mask] self.next_states = self.next_states[keep_mask] self.is_finished = self.is_finished[keep_mask] self.rewards = self.rewards[keep_mask] # self.fake_actions = self.fake_actions[keep_mask] # self.fake_next_actions = self.fake_next_actions[keep_mask] self.len = self.states.shape[0] log.debug(f"{drop_num} data dropped in QGPOOnlineDataset") def load_data(self, data: List): # concatenate the data into the dataset device = self.device # collate the data by sorting the keys keys = ["obs", "action", "done", "next_obs", "reward"] collated_data = { k: torch.tensor(np.stack([item[k] for item in data])).to(device) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } self.states =[self.states, collated_data["obs"].float()], dim=0) self.actions =[self.actions, collated_data["action"].float()], dim=0) self.next_states = [self.next_states, collated_data["next_obs"].float()], dim=0 ) reward = collated_data["reward"].view(-1, 1).float() self.is_finished = [self.is_finished, collated_data["done"].view(-1, 1).float()], dim=0 ) self.rewards =[self.rewards, reward], dim=0) # self.fake_actions =[self.fake_actions, torch.zeros_like(collated_data['action'].unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.fake_action_shape, -1))], dim=0) # self.fake_next_actions =[self.fake_next_actions, torch.zeros_like(collated_data['action'].unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.fake_action_shape, -1))], dim=0) self.len = self.states.shape[0] log.debug(f"{self.len} data loaded in QGPOOnlineDataset") def return_range(dataset, max_episode_steps): returns, lengths = [], [] ep_ret, ep_len = 0.0, 0 for r, d in zip(dataset["rewards"], dataset["terminals"]): ep_ret += float(r) ep_len += 1 if d or ep_len == max_episode_steps: returns.append(ep_ret) lengths.append(ep_len) ep_ret, ep_len = 0.0, 0 # returns.append(ep_ret) # incomplete trajectory lengths.append(ep_len) # but still keep track of number of steps assert sum(lengths) == len(dataset["rewards"]) return min(returns), max(returns) class QGPOD4RLOnlineDataset(QGPODataset): """ Overview: Dataset for QGPO algorithm. The training of QGPO algorithm is based on contrastive energy prediction, \ which needs true action and fake action. The true action is sampled from the dataset, and the fake action \ is sampled from the action support generated by the behaviour policy. Interface: ``__init__``, ``__getitem__``, ``__len__``. """ def __init__( self, env_id: str, fake_action_shape: int = None, device: str = None, ): """ Overview: Initialization method of QGPOD4RLDataset class Arguments: data (:obj:`List`): The data list device (:obj:`str`): The device to store the dataset """ super().__init__() self.device = "cpu" if device is None else device self.fake_action_shape = fake_action_shape import d4rl self.device = "cpu" if device is None else device data = d4rl.qlearning_dataset(gym.make(env_id)) self.states = torch.from_numpy(data["observations"]).float().to(device) self.actions = torch.from_numpy(data["actions"]).float().to(device) self.next_states = ( torch.from_numpy(data["next_observations"]).float().to(device) ) reward = torch.from_numpy(data["rewards"]).view(-1, 1).float().to(device) self.is_finished = ( torch.from_numpy(data["terminals"]).view(-1, 1).float().to(device) ) reward_tune = "iql_antmaze" if "antmaze" in env_id else "iql_locomotion" if reward_tune == "normalize": reward = (reward - reward.mean()) / reward.std() elif reward_tune == "iql_antmaze": reward = reward - 1.0 elif reward_tune == "iql_locomotion": min_ret, max_ret = QGPOD4RLDataset.return_range(data, 1000) reward /= max_ret - min_ret reward *= 1000 elif reward_tune == "cql_antmaze": reward = (reward - 0.5) * 4.0 elif reward_tune == "antmaze": reward = (reward - 0.25) * 2.0 self.rewards = reward self.len = self.states.shape[0] log.debug(f"{self.len} data loaded in QGPOD4RLOnlineDataset") def drop_data(self, drop_ratio: float, random: bool = True): # drop the data from the dataset drop_num = int(self.len * drop_ratio) # randomly drop the data if random is True if random: drop_indices = torch.randperm(self.len)[:drop_num].to(self.device) else: drop_indices = torch.arange(drop_num).to(self.device) keep_mask = torch.ones(self.len, dtype=torch.bool).to(self.device) keep_mask[drop_indices] = False self.states = self.states[keep_mask] self.actions = self.actions[keep_mask] self.next_states = self.next_states[keep_mask] self.is_finished = self.is_finished[keep_mask] self.rewards = self.rewards[keep_mask] # self.fake_actions = self.fake_actions[keep_mask] # self.fake_next_actions = self.fake_next_actions[keep_mask] self.len = self.states.shape[0] log.debug(f"{drop_num} data dropped in QGPOOnlineDataset") def load_data(self, data: List): # concatenate the data into the dataset device = self.device # collate the data by sorting the keys keys = ["obs", "action", "done", "next_obs", "reward"] collated_data = { k: torch.tensor(np.stack([item[k] for item in data])).to(device) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } self.states =[self.states, collated_data["obs"].float()], dim=0) self.actions =[self.actions, collated_data["action"].float()], dim=0) self.next_states = [self.next_states, collated_data["next_obs"].float()], dim=0 ) reward = collated_data["reward"].view(-1, 1).float() self.is_finished = [self.is_finished, collated_data["done"].view(-1, 1).float()], dim=0 ) self.rewards =[self.rewards, reward], dim=0) # self.fake_actions =[self.fake_actions, torch.zeros_like(collated_data['action'].unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.fake_action_shape, -1))], dim=0) # self.fake_next_actions =[self.fake_next_actions, torch.zeros_like(collated_data['action'].unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.fake_action_shape, -1))], dim=0) self.len = self.states.shape[0] log.debug(f"{self.len} data loaded in QGPOOnlineDataset") def return_range(dataset, max_episode_steps): returns, lengths = [], [] ep_ret, ep_len = 0.0, 0 for r, d in zip(dataset["rewards"], dataset["terminals"]): ep_ret += float(r) ep_len += 1 if d or ep_len == max_episode_steps: returns.append(ep_ret) lengths.append(ep_len) ep_ret, ep_len = 0.0, 0 # returns.append(ep_ret) # incomplete trajectory lengths.append(ep_len) # but still keep track of number of steps assert sum(lengths) == len(dataset["rewards"]) return min(returns), max(returns) class QGPOCustomizedDataset(QGPODataset): """ Overview: Dataset for QGPO algorithm. The training of QGPO algorithm is based on contrastive energy prediction, \ which needs true action and fake action. The true action is sampled from the dataset, and the fake action \ is sampled from the action support generated by the behaviour policy. Interface: ``__init__``, ``__getitem__``, ``__len__``. """ def __init__( self, env_id: str = None, device: str = None, numpy_data_path: str = None, ): """ Overview: Initialization method of QGPOCustomizedDataset class Arguments: env_id (:obj:`str`): The environment id device (:obj:`str`): The device to store the dataset numpy_data_path (:obj:`str`): The path to the numpy data """ super().__init__() self.device = "cpu" if device is None else device data = np.load(numpy_data_path) self.states = torch.from_numpy(data["obs"]).float().to(device) self.actions = torch.from_numpy(data["action"]).float().to(device) self.next_states = torch.from_numpy(data["next_obs"]).float().to(device) reward = torch.from_numpy(data["reward"]).view(-1, 1).float().to(device) self.is_finished = torch.from_numpy(data["done"]).view(-1, 1).float().to(device) self.rewards = reward self.len = self.states.shape[0]"{self.len} data loaded in QGPOCustomizedDataset")